Easy Peasy Potty Training : The Busy Parents' Guide to Toilet Training with Less Stress and Less Mess (9780473359317)

Everything you need to potty train your toddler AND nothing you don't.

Do you want your child to be toilet trained quickly and easily but have no clue where to start and are worried that it could all go wrong?Or have you started potty training your toddler and it's all turned to custard so you desperately need some solutions?

This book is a simple to follow, step-by-step process to toilet train your child. It answers your burning questions, busts myths and misconceptions and tells you what to do if there are mishaps, problems or hiccups. All the tools and techniques you will need for toilet training your toddler are right here.

The thought of potty training stresses most parents out. It's a topic that: you may know very little about, and what you do know sounds difficult, messy and full of conflicting messages

The concept for this book came about when I started potty training my son. I read a lot of books and articles, searched all over the Internet and even took a course on potty training. But, surprisingly, I could not find one, relatively short, clear, gimmick-free guide to potty training.

This is the book I wish I had when I was potty training my child.

In the course of writing this book, I surveyed dozens of other parents who have toilet trained their children. You not only get to avoid all the mistakes we have made, but will have answers on hand for any issues that arise.

Follow the short, chunked down chapters in Easy Peasy Potty Training to: help you make decisions such as whether to start on a potty or the toiletget a comprehensive shopping list for all your potty training needsgive you lots of tips on preparation tasks to make toilet training go smoothlyprovide a simple three stage approach to potty trainingfind out what actions to take when accidents happenhave the best transition to no diapers at nighttimeprepare for childcare and leaving the houseget solutions to common potty training problems

Read this book and you won't need to spend hours searching for information all over the Internet. You will have a clear direction and won't be confused by conflicting advice.

This book has everything you need to know about toilet training and nothing you don't. It will save you time, money and your sanity during this challenging stage.

One book. Potty training. Done.

What's stopping you from getting the best way to toilet train your toddler today?

Buy this book and you WILL potty train your child - with less stress and less mess.

Product details

  • Paperback | 158 pages
  • 140 x 216 x 9mm | 191g
  • New Zealand
  • English
  • 0473359316
  • 9780473359317
  • 1,127,067

Download Easy Peasy Potty Training : The Busy Parents' Guide to Toilet Training with Less Stress and Less Mess (9780473359317).pdf, available at ebookdownloadfree.co for free.

